When the self- confidence is doing a 360 .

After a month of being half depressed, and the other half being a workaholic,
I'm finally back on track .. or at least I think I'm back on track. It has really been like a rollercoaster, a rollercoaster that I involuntarily was forced to ride.
And the rollercoaster involved mostly dales.
There are proverbs saying that " the good comes with the bad", and I think that I really, truly understand those words now, when I'm in these difficult situations that I've chosen by myself.
It easy to be clever afterwards.
People have been giving me so many diffrent dilemmas, and It feels like my head is spinning like the turning torso. If being an adult is this demanding and so freakin' exhausting, then I'd wish that I never ever would grow up. I wanna be like Peter Pan, in nerverland.
I've always been the youngest one out of the four of us. Maybe not by age but by maturity. You guys have always let me act the way I wanted to act, and speak my mind when I felt like speaking. For once I'd like to thank you for being there for me when I needed you guys ♥

I think that I'm very lucky to have friends that loves me,hahaha,  well It's kinda hard not to, but I feel extremly blessed to have all of you.

Even though the sun isn't shining everyday, I still feel like there is a little sunshine shining towards me. A little glimpse of joy and hapiness in my everyday-life, that put a smile on my face, that's all I'm asking for.

Tee .


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